Les Nouvelles Frontières du Design de Robinetterie de Salle de Bain : Tendances, Conseils et Inspiration

The New Frontiers of Bathroom Faucet Design: Trends, Tips and Inspiration

Discover the latest trends in bathroom faucet design, from minimalist and retro-modern styles to innovations in eco-efficient materials and features. Learn how to incorporate these trends to transf...

La pierre frittée, une innovation durable pour l'agencement d'intérieur

Sintered stone, a sustainable innovation for interior design

Find out why sintered stone is a sustainable alternative to natural stone, offering strength, aesthetic variety and eco-friendly benefits for interior design.

Nos avantages : Nos meubles arrivent chez vous prêts à être installés !

Our advantages: Our furniture arrives at your home ready to be installed!

In this article we explore the benefits of designer, pre-assembled bathroom furniture from Bellegno. Focusing on convenience and elegance, these pieces of furniture eliminate the need for tedious a...

Quelques conseils pour fixer un meuble de salle de bain suspendu

Some tips for fixing a suspended bathroom cabinet

This article provides a detailed guide to fixing a wall-hung bathroom vanity, aimed at both amateur DIYers and professional installers. It covers the necessary materials, steps for preparing, marki...

Conseils rénovation salle de bainTransformez votre salle de bain avec Bellegno : Conseils et tendances 2023

Transform your bathroom with Bellegno: Tips and trends 2023

The bathroom, an intimate and personal space, is constantly evolving. In 2023, trends highlight natural materials, integrated technology and sustainability. The article traces the history of bathro...

Bellegno écologieQuand l'élégance rime avec écologie

When elegance rhymes with ecology

Ecology is a crucial issue of our time. At Bellegno, ecological commitment is taken seriously, combining elegant design and environmental responsibility. The partnership with theGoodAPI allows five...